“Just Hitting Another
Yesterday’s Poll Results:
Do you think that Americans can take control of their country through the ballot box or will we need a revolution?
Definitely through the ballot box: 1 14%
It may take a revolution: 5 71%
Undecided: 0 0%
I don’t care either way: 1 14%
L.A. Mayor, Villaraigosa, and Hillary Clinton united on ‘Open Borders’ agenda:
One of the most pro-illegal immigration mayors in
David Horowitz, president of the
Villaraigosa is an ardent supporter of illegal immigrants, and he has appeared at rallies across
With elected officials like this in charge, all I can say is: “Good-bye
Sen. Hillary Clinton, along with other Democrats renounce their support of the Defense of Marriage Act:
Hillary Clinton, the democratic presidential candidate and senator from
In May 2005 she told CNN, “Well I don’t know too many Democrats who support gay marriage. In fact I don’t and haven’t for, you know, years before I became senator.” But apparently Senator Clinton now can be counted among several Democrats who do support same-sex marriage, because she says she no longer
Peter LaBarbera, director of the pro-family group Americans for Truth Action, said: “If you are against DOMA, you’re against the one thing we hoped would prevent the spread of a Massachusetts-like situation to the rest of the country; what we predicted is actually happening. So if you’re against that, you’re basically for allowing same-sex marriage to spread across the country.
HRC points out that the position taken on DOMA by the seven Democratic presidential candidates would override Section 3 of that Act, which states: “The word ‘marriage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word ‘spouse’ refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.”
“Abouna” Gregori