Sunday, June 22, 2008


America, the not so beautiful

There is no doubt that America has changed drastically since the time of her founding. From America’s earliest history, we existed as a Christian nation based on Judeo/Christian principles. However, since the start of the late nineteenth century, early twentieth century, we have been on a moral decline, as each succeeding generation jettisoned more and more of our moral values.

The Origin of Species, written by Charles Darwin in 1859, laid the foundation for the corruption of thought in America, brought about by the theory of evolution. Why was this? With the theory of evolution, it became unnecessary to believe in a Creator, instead, people have been taught that things just “create” themselves out of nothing. Then to add insult to injury, along came Sigmund Freud who developed the notion that we can understand ourselves just through our feelings and this garbage still holds sway over society today, as churches, schools, and self-help gurus preach the gospel of “Do whatever makes you feel good.” So, who needs God? After all, God despises sin, and very often, sin is pleasing to us, it makes us feel good.

As Darwin and Freud were screwing up people’s minds in the areas of science and education, a German scholar by the name of Julius Wellhausen came along to screw up the churches. Wellhausen taught the Moses did not write the Pentateuch, but rather it was compiled centuries after the events by various men who just pieced it together. This became the major step in a belief in the Bibles fallibility, which has led to many Christians choosing to either reject whole portions of the Bible (cafeteria Christianity) or to rewrite scripture to fit in with their particular peccadilloes, such as pushing the acceptance of homosexuality.

It is no coincidence that the founder of the modern public education system, John Dewey, was also one of the signers of the Humanist Manifesto, which brought about an educational system that uprooted children from the traditional setting of home schooling and schools connected with churches ( there was a time when the Roman Catholic schools had one of the best educational systems, not only in America, but around the world), and plopped them into the daily care of a state run educational system that rejects not only God, but all forms of morality. In this God-less school system, our children are brainwashed in the ideas of the new “religion”, humanism.

Then, in 1963, at the behest of one atheist woman, prayer was removed from the public schools in another attempt to remove any reference to God from our public venue. President Ronald Reagan foresaw the danger in this, and stated:

“Our Pledge of Allegiance states that we are ‘one nation under God,’ and our currency bears the motto, ‘In God We Trust.’ The morality and values such faith implies are deeply embedded in our national character. Our country embraces those principles by design, and we abandon them at our peril. Yet in recent years . . . Americans have for the sake of religious tolerance . . . forbidden religious practice in the classrooms. The law of this land has effectively removed prayer from our classrooms. How can we hope to retain our freedom through the generations if we fail to teach our young that our liberty springs from an abiding faith in our Creator?”

Through their writings we can see that the founding fathers of America had a deep desire and conviction to build a nation where the people would fear and honor the Lord, but with each passing generation, Americans become less and less God-fearing, as well as less and less moral. We have been infected by the insidious form of mind control called ‘Political Correctness’, which has brought about forced tolerance of all forms of immoral and unnatural behavior.

Christianity was dealt another blow as our churches, though claiming to be Christian, began to teach the belief that all other religions were equal truths with Christianity, which goes completely against what Jesus Christ himself taught: Nobody comes to the Father, except through me.” This toleration has led to the declassification of homosexuality being a psychological disorder, in 1973, at the height of the AIDS epidemic. Today, this unnatural and vile life-style, which God Himself declared to be an abomination, is highly promoted in our public education system under the guise of the “celebration of diversity” curriculum, and the ACLU forced anti-sodomy laws out of all state legislation, and indiscriminate sex before marriage soon became acceptable after the implementation of so-called “Common Law Marriage.” Now we have the convenience of abortion that has further lessened any sense of personal responsibility. The Liberal Left (Democrats) will piss and moan over the death of a baby whale, a spotted owl, a snail darter or any other animal species, and they will scream to high heaven about wanting to put an end to the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction, and protest against the death penalty for a convicted murderer, while abortion, which they say is a women’s right, claims millions of innocent lives. With each new generation, hearts grow colder as minds become more warped and our consciences become ever more comatose.

There are those who will insist that America is no more immoral or violent then it was decades ago. They say that we only think it has grown worse simply because we hear about it more through our news media. To them, I say Bull S&%T!! America has become far more immoral, violent and God-less then it was back when I was a boy.

Wake up people, God is giving us a wake up call, through all of the natural disasters that have been hitting us over the last few years. The tornadoes, hurricanes, wild fires, heavy rains and flooding are becoming more and more frequent and they are increasing in intensity. We still have an opportunity to turn things around, but that opportunity won’t last forever. Time is quickly running out.