Saturday, August 4, 2007


Today’s Post is a serious one. I call it:

Ch Ch Changes:

You know, we animals age faster then you humans do, which is why we don’t live as long. For instance, each one year of my life is like seven years in yours. Because of this, the changes in society and life in general just seem to whiz by any way, but for human people, some of the changes may seem slow in some ways, while in other ways, the speed of things changing can be frightening.

Can you believe how much and how fast the world has changed? My Daddy was born in 1945, toward the end of World War II. Prior to the Second World War, the United States was a second rate power, but it emerged from the Second World War as a super power. My daddy saw the United States rise to become the greatest power in the world. Do you know why? Because with all of the problems that the United States faced, the citizens still held to their basic faith in God and as they held to God’s laws, He in turn poured out His blessings on the United States.

When my daddy was growing up, churches were busy and they were packed on Sundays and holy days. The children in the public schools started each school day with a non-sectarian prayer, asking God’s blessings on their parents, teachers, and the local and national leaders.

Churches, no matter what their denomination, were the corner stones of the neighborhoods and it was to them that people turned in time of need or crisis.

During the past fifty years, things have changed as America has, slowly at first, declined from within. My daddy has seen the growing influence socialist, liberal humanism as it crept across America, oozing into every area of peoples lives, starting with professors infiltrating all of our colleges and universities. Their perverted and godless ideas spread as their brainwashed students graduated and carried their ideas out into society, into the media and politics and eventually into the classrooms of our public grade schools, middle schools and high schools.

The more the American people embraced this godless ideology, the further they turned from God and soon, the impact of this change became evident not only in the personal lives of the citizens of the United States, but also in the standing of the United States in the world. As we continued to lead the world in military might and technology, it cannot be denied that the last war in which we won a decisive victory, was the invasion of Grenada in 1983, while today, our spineless socialistic, liberal humanist leaders in congress are debating whether or not we should high tail it out of Iraq and allow the Islamist terrorist to take it over and use it as their major power base. My daddy says that he finds it hard to believe that anyone could witness America the Beautiful plunge from the pinnacle of power to the brink of total destruction in a single lifetime.

We are living in a society today that has people’s lives under much greater stress and anxiety placed upon them due to the rapid rate at which the changes are accelerating, no longer century by century, decade by decade, year by year; but now these changes are happening so rapidly that often they are taking place month by month, week by week, and in some cases even in a matter of days. The world into which my daddy was born no longer exists. It passed away a long time ago. But the changes that took place were at a slower pace which gave people of his generation some what of a chance to be acclimated to them. But consider, for a moment that the world that those who were born into in the year 2000, is already rapidly disappearing and it will no longer exist by the year 2012.

Try to wrap your mind around the following and what the impact on life will be;

3,000 new books being published every single day. The world has progressed from information “overload” to information explosion. There will be more new information generated in just this year alone then what was produced over the previous five thousand years.

Computers will get twice as smart every 18 – 24 months. And at present , it takes four years to get a technical degree, but by the time a student graduates, his/her education is already obsolete.

One of the many areas to suffer as a result of the liberal, socialistic humanist garbage has been our education system. To show you just how badly it has suffered, did you know that China has more honor student kids then the entire population of North America (which includes Canada) and India has more honor student Kids than the United States has kids?

Back when Bill Clinton was president, he was under the false impression that China was a friend of the United States, and as a result, he sold them all sorts of the most up-to-date military weapons and even helped to improve their guidance systems. Today, President Bush is trying to do the same thing with India.

The only thing at the present time that could prevent an armed war with China would be the total collapse of the economy of the United States, which would finish this nation as a world super power. At the present time, both China and India have the ability and the willingness to bring down our economy by dumping the U.S. dollar in favor of the Euro.

Never before in the history of mankind has the words in the Book of Daniel and Revelations held so much importance as they do today. Even 60 years ago, much of what Daniel predicted concerning the end times didn’t make sense. Daniel was given his revelations directly from the Archangel Michael. Daniel said: “As for me, I heard but could not understand; so I said, ‘My lord, what shall be the outcome of these events?’

Michael answered: “Go your way Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand. Then Michael said: “But as for you Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the time of the end; for many will go to and fro, and knowledge will increase.

Today, knowledge has most certainly increased and it will continue to increase, while at the same time, the limitations of time and space to travel has decreased exponentially.

My daddy truly believes that we are in the Last Days and that America’s days are numbered as are those of each of you. If you haven’t turned your lives over to Jesus Christ, if you haven’t yet accepted His gift of Salvation, if you haven’t yet confessed Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, now is the time. Time is quickly running out for you to admit that you are a sinner, and to accept the gift of pardon Jesus purchased for you with His own Blood. Jesus is coming soon whether you are ready or not, so please don’t put off your decision any longer.

See ya all next week, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.