Thursday, August 23, 2007


Oh my God! What the heck is happening to America?

Can someone please tell me what the hell is happening to America? It is becoming more and more evident every single day that the United States has totally lost it freakin’ mind and the whole damn country is turning into one great big lunatic asylum.

I absolutely believe that the drug culture of the 1960’s and 70’s is finally manifesting itself in the actions of the wacko liberals of today. Here is a sample of what I am talking about:

We have all heard of the “zero tolerance” rules that our so-called educators keep coming up with such as, “zero tolerance for drugs”, which has ended up meaning that students aren’t even allowed to bring even aspirins or Midol to school without being suspended or expelled. “Zero Tolerance for weapons”, now means that students are not allowed to even have fingernail clippers on their person in school, nor can they even bring a plastic knife to cut a birthday cake. If they do, they will be suspended or expelled. One eight year old boy was expelled because he had little plastic toy soldiers on his hat, which he had put there in honor of his older brother who was serving in Iraq. Now we have this:

Arizona School Suspends 13-Year-Old Boy for Drawing Gun

Yup, you read that right. School officials at an Arizona school suspended a 13-year-old boy for committing the horrible crime of sketching a picture of a gun on the margin of a homework paper he turned in. Believe it or not, the school officials are actually claiming that the drawing (shown in the picture to the left) “posed a threat to his classmates.” If you ask me, these school officials are too mentally unstable to run the men’s room at the local YMCA.

The parents of the boy say that the drawing was nothing more than a harmless doodle. The drawing showed no blood, no bullets, nor did it depict any target, human or otherwise, and it contained no message of any kind. Yet, school administrators of Payne Junior High School in Chandler, suspended the boy on Monday for five days, but later reduced it to three days. Chandler spokesman, Terry Locke, stated that the crude sketch was, “absolutely considered a threat, and that threatening words and pictures need to be punished.” I think Locke needs to take a couple of Valium and go lie down.

When the boy’s father, Ben Mosteller went to the school to discuss his son’s situation, school officials compared his son’s drawing of the gun to the 1999 Columbine massacre. Give me a break!

So, let me see if I am understanding this whole zero tolerance, political correctness B.S. correctly:

A.) If a student brings a bottle of or has a one or two aspirin in his/her possession in school, or if a female student has some Midol to control menstrual cramps in her possession in school. They need to be suspended or expelled.

B.) If a student has the audacity of placing little toy soldiers on their hats, or God forbid, draws or doodles a gun on their homework paper, they are considered a “THREAT” and must be punished.

C.) If a little boy dares to hug or kiss a little girl in school, or if they playfully swat the butt of another student, they must be arrested and charged with sexual abuse or assault,

But, it is not considered a threat to students when:

A.) The schools indoctrinate our children with all sorts of liberal lunacy and ideology?

B.) The schools escort pregnant teen girls to abortion clinics without the knowledge or consent of their parents?

C.) Teachers are sexually molesting our sons and daughters on a regular basis?

The morally bankrupt mental midgets that are running our schools and our country, feign all of this concern for OUR children and for the safety of the country by enacting all sorts of asinine rules and procedures to keep us and our children “SAFE”, while at the same time, they will protect and offer sanctuary and amnesty to illegal immigrants, allowing them to run amok among us, committing one violent crime after another, raping our mothers, sisters and daughters, peddling drugs to our children, killing our family members, friends, and neighbors on our highways by driving while illegally and while intoxicated.

These same brain dead twits refuse to secure our borders, allowing all kinds of people to sneak into our country by the thousands, not knowing, or even seeming to care if some of them may be terrorists or even to what kind of diseases they be bringing in to the country, which could very well be a threat to us and our children. But god have mercy on the child in school who draws a picture of gun, or who brings aspirin or Midol to school, or the child who is celebrating a birthday and brings a cake along with a plastic knife to cut it, to school. God help the student who playfully swats the butt of another student. These kids are a danger to a well ordered society and they MUST be punished to fullest extent of the law.

Click on the picture of the school house to read the whole story:

“Abouna” Gregori