Sunday, August 12, 2007


For those who have inquired, I did not do a Sunday posting as I had an extremely busy day today. I had to drive first to Utica, NY (which is approximately sixty miles east of Webster, NY where I live) to fill in for a vacationing priest there, and then I had to turn around and drive 110 miles back the other way, to Buffalo, NY to fill in for a priest who suddenly took ill. A lot of driving, not much rest.

So, How will God Do It:

You know, so many people today are in complete denial when it comes to God having a hand in what is going on with our weather, and all of the other disasters befalling the United States today.

Apparently, most people think that there has to be some sort of supernatural event in order for it to be the hand of God. Well have I got a news flash for you. We are living in the natural world and God uses natural means to get our attention and if we refuse to listen, He will use natural means to destroy us. What are these means you ask?

FIRE, FLOODS, EARTHQUAKES, TORNADOES, HURRICANES, and He will also use other nations against us.

If I were you, I would be afraid, very afraid, because with all we have done and are doing, both as a nation and as individuals. We have a lot to answer for.

Let me ask you, how many more filthy and obscene “gay pride” parades do you think God is going to put up with? How much longer do you think God is going to allow this defiance to be thrown into His Face as practically naked men bump and grind against each other and make disgusting remarks to each other and to those viewing this filthy spectacle? You non-gay people who think you’re innocent, but you go to view and encourage this garbage, and to make matters worse, you even bring your children to watch this crap, sometimes even lifting them up to get a better view. You know what, that makes you enablers and partakers, of this sin. Yes, no matter what you or others say, homosexuality is not just a sin, God calls it an abomination.

How many more innocent unborn children do you think God will let you continue to slaughter in the womb, the one place where the unborn is supposed to be the safest? Now that the government has enacted a ban on partial birth abortion, the abortionist doctors, have come up with a new way to protect their sorry asses from any lawsuits. They make sure the unborn is dead before they remove them from the womb, by first injecting them with lethal drugs before aborting them. Those of you who have never had an abortion, performed and abortion, or assisted at an abortion are NOT innocent if you have supported a woman’s RIGHT to have an abortion or if you remained silent about abortion.

How many more minds of young children do you think God will allow us to warp and brainwash, as we allow our public schools and entertainment media to destroy their minds with all of the liberal filth and garbage that we, as a society can come up with?

How much more land, safety and security is God going to allow our government to force Israel to give up. Just in case you haven’t noticed, every time our State Department puts pressure on Israel to give up land and security, within days, we get with some sort of disaster here in America.

The way I see it, we are long over do for a really big wake up call, and if we don’t hurry up and change our ways, the next natural or man made disaster that God unleashes, just may be the final and complete destructive blow to America.

“Abouna” Gregori