Thursday, February 7, 2008



Well, looks like there won’t be a miracle come November, so I will be sticking to my decision about NOT voting.

I listened to McCain’s speech before C-PAC and I wasn’t the least bit impressed. He is an arrogant s.o.b, as far as I am concerned. First of all, he showed his arrogance a couple of days ago when he told the Conservative members of the Republican Party to “just calm down”, like he was talking to a bunch of little kids. What, like we have no reason or right to be upset with him?

When he gave his talk before the C-PAC convention, all he said concerning illegal immigration was the same old-same old, “I will secure the border first.” That was it! In other words, he still plans on granting amnesty to all illegals after the border is secured. So once again he is saying, “SCREW YOU AMERICAN PEOPLE, IT’S MY WAY OR NOTHING.”

Oh sure, he mentioned how he will stand up to the terrorists, and how he believes in “right to life”, but not once did he mention anything about being against same-sex marriage or if he would push for the “Defense of Marriage Act”.

I’m sorry; I just cannot bring myself to vote when the choice is between the lesser of two evils. My principals will not allow me to vote for evil, even if it is a lesser evil.


It appears that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams must be wearing his miter a little too tight these days or he is in desperate need of a lobotomy. The head of the Anglican Church, is calling for the recognition of Islamic Sharia Law in Britain. Click on Williams’ picture to read the article, then ask yourself: “How can a supposedly educated man think a nation can long survive if it operates under a ‘smorgasbord’ of laws?”

I stole the following video from Gayle at Dragon Lady’s Den, who stole it from Angel’s Blog. It is well worth viewing.

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