Monday, May 12, 2008



Nancy Pelosi, our pro-illegal immigration Speaker of the House, along with her pro-illegal immigration cohorts are doing everything in their power to block and railroad the House Bill H.R. 4088 which is the “Secure America through Verification and Enforcement” (SAVE) Act, a commonsense immigration legislation, which is supported by a bipartisan group of 150 lawmakers, but Pelosi and her gang are trying to keep it from coming up for a vote by the full house.

If you want to help STOP Pelosi and her gang, and get this bill brought up for a vote, please click on the following link:

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton agree to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants in their efforts to woo Latino votes, and the MSM continues to screw over the American people by falsely reporting where the American people stand on the issue.

While the MSM reports designer polls that falsely claim that a majority of Americans support “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, which is a ‘path to citizenship’ and amnesty for the 22 million illegals that are here, but the overwhelming number of polls that contradict this claim get little to no coverage. Obama also supports a UN tax to be placed on American workers. This bill is coming up shortly in Congress and appears to have enough support to pass which will mean a 7% tax added to the payroll taxes already coming out of every working Americans paycheck.

This is a whole new level of global taxes which the UN wants to impose on us. The UN thinks that rich nations like the U.S. should give more money to poor nations – a lot more – simply because we are rich, and Barack Obama feels that also, never mind the fact that the U.S. already pays the lion’s share of all the costs of the UN, and never mind the billions of foreign aid tax dollars that we already send overseas and the billions more that we donate to overseas charities.

Keep in mind that the UN views itself as the emerging global government, and like all governments, it needs money to operate. The goal, which the UN readily admits, is to impose a comprehensive set of global laws on all of us – laws that will supercede the constitutions of sovereign national governments. To accomplish this, the UN needs a global military, a global police force, international courts, and plenty of high paid bureaucrats to run it all and they want workers, all around the world to pay for it their a new payroll tax, with the American workers being taxed the most. Like I said, Barack Obama supports this. Can you see where he plans to take America?

The man we really need in the White House is Alan Keys. If he were elected president, he would put a stop to all of the political B.S. and put a stop to the illegal immigration. For the next five Tuesdays, starting with today, I will post a series of Six videos of Alan Keys on illegal immigration. Today’s posting is Alan Keys interview by Howard Phillips of the Conservative Round table. In this interview, Dr. Keys gives his opinion on amnesty for illegals. Then starting on May 20th I will be posting a series of videos that cover Dr. Keys speech which was given at an event in Provo, Utah on June 21, 2006.