Thursday, May 1, 2008



Well, if you did watch Part II of Bill O’Reilly’s interview of Hillary Clinton, then you heard it out of her mouth, she isn’t going to do squat about the ‘sanctuary cities’ that are defying our federal immigration laws, and she wants to grant amnesty to the 12 – 20 million illegals in this country. Problem is, Bill O’Reilly agrees with her on the amnesty part, which means that even he doesn’t get it. The majority of Americans do NOT want amnesty for the illegals; we want them DEPORTED, plain and simple.

The people of this country know that if we give-in once again on this issue and allow our government to grant amnesty to the illegals, then in another four to eight years, we will have another 12 to 20 million more illegals that will be given amnesty. We MUST end this revolving door BS NOW because if we don’t, it will never end.

Hillary, like the rest of the Liberals and the Liberal ‘Light’ John McCain keeps saying that our immigration system is “broken”. I’m sorry, our immigration system is not broken and we don’t need new laws, what we need is a President and members of the Congress who have the balls to enforce the laws we already have on the books. They need to go after every damn employer who insists on hiring illegals and fine the hell out of them, and make it illegal to pass the costs of the fines on to the consumers. Then if the same employers continue to hire illegals, then they should be sent to prison and have their businesses shut down for good.

All illegals in this country should be treated like the criminals they are. They entered this country illegally and that makes them a criminal. Yes, they should be treated humanely, by giving them the choice, either leave on their own or be arrested and deported forcefully. If they volunteer to leave on their own, then they should be given the opportunity to apply through the proper channels to reenter this country legally. Those who have to be deported forcefully forfeit that opportunity. So what’s wrong with that? Also, we MUST put an end to the “anchor baby” crap, if the parents are here illegally, then their children born here are also here illegally.

Hillary also let us know once again that she will withdraw our troops from Iraq, and reading between the lines of what she had to say, it appears that she feels, whatever happens to Iraq after we leave is up to them. She is also against any form of torture, including ‘water boarding’, so are Obama and McCain, for that matter.

So there you have it folks, no matter who gets elected from either party, we are going to be taxed up the wahzu to continue to give benefits to the illegals, which they are “entitled to” so that they can live a good life at our expense, and our borders will remain wide open and unprotected, the price of gas will continue to rise and we American citizens will continue to lose jobs and watch our wages become ever more depressed, all because Americans have lost both the courage and the will to stand up and fight for their country. Oh yes, American soldiers will go off to war to fight in foreign theaters, but they don’t have the guts to fight the traitors who are running this country.