Saturday, May 31, 2008


The Republican Party is a totally useless organization:

The G.O.P. is any thing but a Grand Old Party. It is not worth the money that is poured into it on a daily basis and it should b e forced completely out of existence for all the good it is.

The Republican Party has, for several years now, turned its back on one of its biggest supporters, the Conservatives. Those who have been elected in good faith by the Conservatives have turned their backs on those who have put them into office, opting instead to turn to special interest groups and so-called bi-partisan deals, leaving Conservative voters out in the cold.

Conservatives have lost on every single issue that they have fought for over the years. We lost the school prayer issue, we lost on the abortion issue, we lost on the disgusting and morally repugnant gay rights issue, and we keep losing on the issue of drilling for oil here in our own country, now we are losing on the illegal immigration issue. Why? Because those that we have elected to Congress and even to the office of President, and those whom we have elected to represent us on the state and local level, have pissed away every opportunity they had to win some of these battles.

Those in positions of leadership have always felt that it was better to “reach across the aisle” to make bi-partisan deals with the other side and in the process they have sold out those who voted for them. On every single one of the big issues that we fought for, those we elected to fight for us gave in to the Liberals, a little here and a little there, and each time the Liberals turned around and demanded more and the Republicans were more than happy to give it to them, a little here, a little there until the Liberals won everything they wanted.

In the case of abortion, the Liberals said we only want it legalized in the case that the mother’s health or life would be in danger by giving birth. We Conservatives argued tooth and nail that the liberals wanted an unfettered right to abortion on demand and that by giving in to the Liberals would put us on a slippery slope. The Liberal Democrats said that we Conservatives were liars and fear mongers, and the Republicans gave in. Then the Liberals demanded to have the right to legal abortions in cases of rape and incest and they promised that it would only be in the first trimester of the pregnancy. We fought against that and what did the Republicans do? They said, “Well as long as it is only during the first trimester, ok.” Conservatives lost again. Not only did we lose again, but now women have the right to kill their unborn children on demand, for any reason and at any time during the pregnancy.

We Conservatives fought long and hard to stop sex education in our schools and once again the Republicans gave that one away to the Liberals a little here and a little there. The Liberals claimed that sex education in the schools was needed to cut down on teen pregnancies and STDs, which were far less back then than they are today. We were promised that any child who did not want to take the course, only had to bring a note from their parents or guardians, and they would be given another class. Also, parents who did not want their children to take the sex education course could opt out by bringing or sending a letter to the school principle. Republicans said, “That sounds reasonable, so ok.” Once again, Conservatives lost and now it has become mandatory for our children and grandchildren to take sex education courses whether we like it or not, and the schools want to start teaching sex education in lower and lower grade levels, and the direct result has been an ever increasing number of teen pregnancies and STDs.

Conservatives fought hard against giving special constitutional rights to gays and lesbians, because we knew years ago that what they really wanted was the right to legally marry. They kept denying that, so like “Johnny on the spot”, the republicans were right there to sell out the Conservatives once again, by caving to the Liberal gay rights lobbyists, drawing up special non discrimination laws for the gays, forcing employers to hire gays even if the employers’ religious beliefs are against it. The same for landlords who are against renting to gay and lesbian couples. They are forced to rent to gays and lesbians, like it or not. Then you Republicans gave in and passed laws allowing gays and lesbians the right to foster or adopt children. And the biggest slap in the face to the Conservatives by the Republican Party is that the Republicans once again pissed away an opportunity to protect traditional marriage. When they had the chance to pass a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages (which is what the gays and lesbians wanted right from the start) the Republicans said: “That decision should be left up to the individual states to decide for themselves.” Oh, all of a sudden, Congress is so concerned about states’ rights, but Congress will trample on states’ rights when it suits the federal government. Those states that have voted not to allow legalizing same-sex marriages are being over ruled by the courts and are being forced to legalize those marriages, and other states are being forced either by their governors (as is the case of New York State) or the courts to recognize same-sex marriages that have been performed “legally” in other states or countries, and the Republican leadership sits back and does nothing.

The bi-partisan deals that the Republicans have made with the Liberal left is forcing decent, God-fearing Conservatives to accept and tolerate all types of immoral and unnatural activities and life-styles, like it or not. It doesn’t matter how many laws you pass to legalize immorality, it will never make it right. Bear in mind, no matter how much gravy you put on dog crap will never make it Swedish Meatballs, it will always be dog crap.

You have the unmitigated gall to tell us, “Well, we may have lost a battle, but we haven’t lost the war.” I have news for you morons, we HAVE LOST the war! We lost it years ago. The morals of the United States are so far down the crapper we can never restore them, and now you are all sitting on your collective asses as the national sovereignty of the United States is sold out. You do nothing to stop all of the millions of illegal immigrants from flooding in across our Southern borders. Then when they get here, we are told that they are hard working, law abiding citizens: NEWS FLASH!! They are not CITIZENS and they are not law abiding. They are criminals, they broke the law when they entered this country illegally!!

It is well past time for those of you Republicans in various offices to justify the continued support of Conservatives an, for that matter, your continued existence as a political party, when there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between you and the Democrats.