Tuesday, July 31, 2007


“Just Hitting Another Brick Wall”

More Attacks on Christianity.

‘Jesus’ deflowers virgin sexpot, and a whole lot more in a new “COMEDY

Click on the picture to read the article:

Where are the “Hate Crimes” advocates when this kind of crap is put out? Let a college student put the Koran in the toilet and he is charged with a hate crime, but this kind of sacrilegious bull s&%t is looked upon as art and freedom of speech. Go figure.

Country after country in Europe, and many places here in the U.S., are giving concessions to Muslims, such as the public school systems separating boys and girls into separate classrooms to placate Muslim “sensibilities”, they are allowing Muslim girls to wear their head scarves in school, yet they forbid Christian and Jewish students from wearing and kind of religious symbols. Jews and Christians are not allowed to pray in school, but Muslim students can not only pray in school and other public areas, but now many schools, colleges, universities, and even airports are installing, at taxpayer expense, special foot-washing sinks to accommodate the Muslims. Now, as in a European case, you have Muslim women on planes refusing to take their assigned seats if the have to sit next to a male passenger they do not know, demanding that the non-Muslim passengers change seats to accommodate them.

We are supposed to show all kinds of respect to Muslims. We are supposed to treat homosexuals and lesbians with the utmost respect and toleration, and on and on it goes, but Christians are supposed to keep their mouths shut while crosses and crucifixes are submerged in jars of piss. We are supposed to shut our pie holes when elephant crap is used to “paint” a picture of the Virgin Mary. We dare not speak out when a play portrays the Apostles and Jesus as a bunch of flaming fags, because all of this “ART”.

I say enough is enough! And to all those who won’t rise up to put a stop to this, and to all those who will bow to Muslim demands, while allowing their own religion and culture to be trashed, here in a nation that was founded upon Judeo/Christian Law, I proudly award the Golden Pig Award.

“Abouna” Gregori