Wednesday, July 4, 2007


“Just Hitting

Another Brick



Continuation of the One World Government, One World Religion and the One World Banking System.

There has been much speculation concerning the Roman Catholic Church, as concerns the coming One World Government. It is believed, by many, that it is the Church of Rome that is the “Whore of Babylon” mentioned in the Book of Revelations.

Ever since the Great Schism when the Western branch of the Church split from the one TRUE Church, the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church. Over the years, the Roman jurisdiction of the Catholic Church has slipped further and further from the Truth and has added more and more non-Biblical innovations such as the selling of indulgences (this amounts to paying the church to have a certain amount of sins forgiven for a set period of time), and the latest innovation of proclaiming the Theotokos (the Mother of God) to be the co-redemptrix with Jesus Christ. Those of us in the Orthodox Church hold Mary in high esteem as the Mother of our Saviour, but our only redeemer is Jesus Christ. I don’t want anyone to get the impression that I am claiming that the Orthodox Church is lily white and without sin, because even we have our problems, but we have maintained and held to the teachings handed down through Holy Scripture and through Holy Tradition (that which was handed down and taught through word of mouth by the early Fathers of the Church, and that which was accepted by the early Church during the first Seven Holy Synods {Ecumenical Councils} when the Church was one).

How does the Church of Rome fit into the coming One World Government and the Great Apostasy mentioned in Holy Scripture? To start, Pope John-Paul II, on January 1, 2004, called for a “New World Order. . . .based on the goals of the United Nations.”

When any religious or world leader uses such terminology, it can only be seen in one light, that person is part and parcel of the Luciferian conspiracy to create and bring about a totalitarian super socialist/communist One World Government to be ruled by the Antichrist.

A former Roman Catholic priest, and the Literary Editor of the Catholic Weekly The Universe for fourteen years, Piers Compton, states that the Papacy was actually subverted by the Illuminati in the year 1958, which was when John XXIII was elected to the Throne of Peter. This was culmination of a 200 year effort to infiltrate and destroy the Catholic Church.

Compton backs up his claim in his book “The Broken Cross” (1981) in which he traces the modern phase of the Luciferian Conspiracy to Adam Weishaupt who established the Illuminati on May 1, 17776. Weishaupt received financial backing, as most if not all anarchists do, from a group of bankers under the House of Rothschild (you will see more about them later when I deal with the formation of the Federal Reserve System and the World Bank). It was under the direction of the Rothschilds that the long range and worldwide plans of the Illuminati were contrived and drawn up.

In the year 1783, the Illuminati gained control over much of Freemasonry, which secretly coordinated revolutionary movements of Liberalism, Socialism and Communism, along with secret societies such as “Skull and Bones”, which have functioned as Satan’s church, as the only way to pass the baton from generation to generation.

Right from their inception, the Illuminati considered the Catholic Church as their main enemy and marked it for destruction. Their Italian lodge, in 1818, issued a set of Permanent Instructions that included the following:

We require a Pope for ourselves. . . . to march more securely to the storming of the Church. . . .” The goal was the complete destruction of Catholicism and ultimately all of Christianity.

Pope Leo XIII, one of the last “true” popes of the Roman Church, stated in his December 8, 1892 Encyclical Letter, identified two major Kingdoms. He said: “The one is the Kingdom of God on earth, namely, the true Church of Jesus Christ; and those who desire from their heart to be united with it. . .The other is the kingdom of Satan. . .Those who refuse to obey the divine and eternal Law, and who have many aims of their own in contempt of God, and many aims also against God.” Pope Leo went on to say: “Throughout history, they have been in conflict. At this point, however, the partisans of evil, seem to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself.”

In 1903, when Pope Leo XIII died, the College of Cardinals came very close to electing a Freemason by the name of Cardinal Mariano Rampolla, but his appointment was vetoed at the last moment by Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria. Thus, the Illuminati were forced to wait another fifty-five years before they can gain control over the papacy. The first Freemason cardinal to become pope was Cardinal Angelo Roncalli, who became Pope John XXIII after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.

Roncalli’s first act as pope was to begin to remove any element of Divine Revelation from Catholic teaching, and to embrace “naturalism”, materialism, and even Communism. These elements were put into place at the 1962 Ecumenical Council and Vatican Two in 1965.

Cardinal Giovanni Montini, another Freemason, succeeded Pope John XXIII, becoming Pope Paul VI in 1963; Pope Pius XII had dismissed him as the Vatican Secretary of State in 1944, for conducting secret negotiations with the Communists.

Paul VI’s true colors came through in 1965 at a speech given before the United Nations when he said: “It is your task here to proclaim the basic rights and duties of Man. You are the interpreters of all that is permanent in human wisdom; we can almost say of its sacred character.”

Pope Paul VI further repudiated the Church’s spiritual authority when he gave the Papal Ring and his Pectoral Cross to U Thant, the United Nations Secretary General at that time. Thant then sold the items at an auction.

It should be known that the United Nations Headquarters buildings have been set up on land that was donated by the Rockefeller family as a front for the elite’s Luciferian dictatorship. The UN Charter was based on the Constitution of Soviet Russia and its leaders were Communists (as a matter of fact, the first American Ambassador to the UN, Alger Hiss, was a card carrying member of the Communist party). The chapel of the United Nations is dedicated to paganism and it is run by the Lucis Trust (formerly the Lucifer Trust) which also handles all of its publications.

Paul VI abolished the anti-Modernist Oath along with the Index of Forbidden Books, and revised the Code of Canon Laws. He also had history and texts written from a predominately Catholic point of view re-edited. Paul VI also encouraged “humanist” theologians such as Schillebeeckx who taught that “the most honest and natural man was one who believed nothing.”

The Journal Borghese, in 1976 printed a list of 125 top clerics of the Roman Catholic Church who were Freemasons in violation Church Law. This list contained their dates of initiation along with their secret code names, which were taken from the Italian Register of Secret Societies. The List includes the names of the Heads of Vatican radio and press, Catholic education as well as numerous high officials, Cardinals and Archbishops. Naturally, since Paul VI occupied the Chair of Peter, nothing came of it.

In 1969, Paul VI said: “We are about to witness a greater freedom in the life of the Church…fewer obligations and fewer inward prohibitions. Formal disciplines will be reduced ...every form of intolerance will be abolished.”(Sounds like the beginnings of ‘political correctness’ coming into the Church.) None of this should be surprising when one considers reports that from 1936 – 1950 the future Pope Paul VI was part of a Communist espionage network, part owner of a chain of brothels and financed the making of erotic films.

This brings us now to Popes John Paul I & II. On August 26, 1978, the Cardinal of Venice, Alibino Lucano, a “committed Left-winger”, became Pope John Paul I. There is good reason to believe that he had taken issue with the shady dealings that the Vatican bank was involved in, and this was the reason he ended up dead one month after becoming Pope. There never was an autopsy.

Karol Wojtyla, the Cardinal of Krakow, Poland, was then the first non-Italian since 1522 and the first from an Iron Curtain country, to be elected pope, following the death of Lucano in 1978. While Cardinal Wyszynski “never gave an inch” to the Communists, Wojtyla opposed this attitude and collaborated with the Communists.

During the Conclave at which he was elected Pope, Cardinal Wojtyla read from a book of Marxist principles. This led the Abbe de Nantes to exclaim: “We have a Communist Pope!” In his first Encyclical, Wojtyla (John Paul II) praised Paul VI for having “revealed the true countenance of the Church” and for bringing it into “step with the times.” He went so far as to say that those opposed to Vatican II “cannot be considered among the Faithful.” Then on September 1, 1981 in a letter, John Paul II stated: “Christian tradition has never upheld the right of private property as absolute or untouchable.” This CONTRADICTS MANY ENCYCLICALS WHICH STATE THAT PRIVATE PROPERTY “IS A NECESSARY INCENTIVE TO HUMAN ENTERPRISE” in accordance with divine wisdom and the laws of nature.

Compare what Pope John Paul II said to the words of Pope Pius XII: “Only private enterprise can provide the head of a family with the healthy freedom it requires to carry out the duties allotted to him by the Creator for the physical, spiritual and religious wellbeing of the family.”

Then to add insult to injury, John Paul II issued a Papal Bull, on November 27, 1983, legalizing secret society (i.e. Masons) membership for Roman Catholics. As you can see, the Traditional teachings of the Catholic Church are continuously being watered down.

Around 1981, Malachi Martin said: “The Christian Church is decaying. It has nothing to say and is on the way out.” He went on to say: “The other great religions are suffering the same fate.” Then Malachi made the following prediction: “A world-wide religion with one structure and institutions managed by one great bureaucracy will be brought about, out of which will emerge the ultimate disaster.”

Can you see the emerging picture of an organized satanic conspiracy to subvert and enslave mankind? The lures of the modern world ---- consumerism, the mystification of sexual love (coupled with the “sexual revolution”) and the selective application of “tolerance, diversity, human rights and equality” --- are part of a satanic plan of eventual spiritual, mental and physical enslavement. Our modern western society has been founded on this “conspiracy” against God. Many of our political and cultural leaders are, like the rest of us, either witting or unwitting accomplices in the diabolical plan. CAN YOU SAY: “ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT”?

Hopefully, the day will come when we shall learn that TRUE FREEDOM lies in obedience to God. To disobey God is to become a slave to Satan. Someone once said: “The barbarism of the past century was not an aberration, but a harbinger of the future.”


“Abouna” Gregori