Tuesday, August 12, 2008



“I took an I.Q. test and the results were negative.”


A California lawmaker interrupted a Christian minister telling him that his argument was “bulls%#t”.

This sort of disrespectful behavior on the part of an elected official is uncalled for and totally unacceptable, but then this is the sort of garbage that one can expect from the liberal Democrats.

Ms. Karen England, chief of the Capitol Resource Institute, stated; “This is the attitude that many in the majority party (Democrats) have towards the ‘little people’ who come to Sacramento to participate in the legislative process. Even when our staff is belittled publicly by these arrogant lawmakers, we have never been cursed at; this is beyond the pale.”

The startling comment was caught on video tape and posted to YouTube, which I have posted below. It took place while Pastor Robert Jones of Oak Park United Methodist Church was appearing before an informational hearing on the state’s efforts to cut emissions.

Pastor Jones was making the point that when government imposes mandates and taxes; it ends up hurting the poor and vulnerable in society. He was less than two minutes into his testimony when Sen. Pat Wiggins, Democrat, interrupted him saying; “Excuse me, but I think your arguments are bulls%#t.” Wiggins has yet to apologize.

Yesterday, I posted how these moral reprobates mandated a plan to have California school children celebrate homosexuality with an annual school holiday event, but one thing I had forgotten to mention, is that they also cleared the way to have communists teach classes in the state’s schools.

Can there be any doubt that the state of California is absolutely and totally out of control? If something isn’t done, the State of California will bring the rest of the country down completely.
