Friday, August 15, 2008



I watched the press conference with my Daddy this morning from Tbilisi, Georgia held by Georgian President Saakashvili and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and what the Georgian President had to say should be an eye-opener to the world and it jives with what my Daddy said in his blog post on Thursday. Russia is playing a dangerous game on dangerous ground.

While Saakashvili and Rice were holding the conference, the Russian military was busy purposely destroying every military and police infrastructure of Georgia, WHY? Because they have every intention of turning Georgia into a failed state and then taking it back by force as Russian satellite puppet state, and they will not stop there. They WILL go after Lithuania, Estonia, Moldavia, the Ukraine, and Russia has already made a blatant threat to nuke Poland.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who is nothing more than a mouth piece for Putin who really controls Russia with an iron fist, claims that Russia was just protecting their citizens and “peacekeepers” in Georgian territory. Russian peacekeepers in disputed territory? That is like sending the fox to guard the henhouse. He also made the false claim that the missile defense system that the U.S. will be setting up in Poland would be aimed directly at Russia. Then, a senior Russian general warned that Poland has made itself a nuclear target for the Russian military by hosting elements of a U.S. anti-missile system.

“By hosting these, Poland is making itself a target. This is 100% certain,” General Anatoly Nogovitsyn said. He went on to say, “It becomes a target for attack. Such targets are destroyed as a first priority.” He also said, “Russia’s military doctrine sanctions the use of nuclear weapons against the allies of countries having nuclear weapons if they in some way help them.

There can be no doubt that Putin is a very dangerous man and perhaps he is even the reincarnation of “Uncle Joe” (Josef Stalin). I don’t see how anyone can doubt that Putin was directly responsible for the murders of several journalists (including one right here in the U.S.) along with several dissidents. Gee, I’m just a dog and I can see it.

People better think twice before they vote for Obama, because I sincerely believe he will bend to Russia’s will and destroy all of our nuclear defenses, leaving us vulnerable to attack from Russia, China and Iran. If I were in charge, I would start right away to make plans to defend Alaska, because several years ago another former Russian military leader made the statement Russia should to take back Alaska by force. You humans better stop thinking that when Russians speak, it is not just empty Rhetoric, they are telling you what they are going to do. The Russian bear is on a rampage.

Thursday, August 14, 2008




From a letter to the Welfare office: “I am forwarding my marriage certificate and three children one of which is a mistake as you can see.”


Joe Q. Public started the day early having set his alarm clock (which was made in Japan) for 6 a.m. While his coffee pot (made in China) was perking away, Joe shaved with his brand new electric razor (made in Hong Kong), after which he put on a new shirt (made in Sri Lanka), a pair of designer jeans (made in Singapore) and a pair of sneakers (made in Korea).

Joe’s wife cooked his breakfast in her brand new electric skillet (made in India). Joe sat down at the table with his calculator (made in Mexico) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (made in Taiwan) to the radio (made in India) Joe got in his car (made in Germany) to continue his search for a good paying American job.

At the end of another discouraging and fruitless day, Joe headed home to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (made in Brazil) poured himself a glass of wine (made in France) and turned on his TV (made in Indonesia), and then wondered why he can’t find a good paying job to afford to pay for the gas (imported from Saudi Arabia) here in America.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008



“If we aren’t supposed to eat animals, how come God made them out of meat?”


Those who may think that the Russian invasion of the democratic nation of Georgia was a spur of the moment action to come to the aid of ‘poor Russian citizens’ living in the Georgian province of Ossetia, are sadly mistaken, this was a well thought out and planed military operation. The way this lightening fast operation was executed, and with the number of Russian troops and military equipment, it obvious that it took many months of planning. I would even say that this operation was being put together way back when President G. W. Bush was gazing adoringly into Putin’s eyes and seeing “a kind man and good friend.”

Just the fact that the Russian military is still violating the cease-fire agreement that was brokered by France, and they continue to drive deeper into Georgian territory, the fact that they bombed the Georgian airport and sunk the entire fleet of the Georgian Coast Guard, should be an eye-opener as to Russia’s true plans, the total take back of all of the former Soviet Union satellite countries. Why do you think the Russian government is DEMANDING the removal of Georgian President Saakashvili? What right does Russia have to demand the removal of the democratically elected leader of another country?

If anyone still has any doubts, ask yourselves why Putin was so adamant against the Polish/U.S. plan to have a missile defense system on Polish soil? This missile defense system would not have been aimed at Russia; its purpose was to be a defense in the event that Iran launched a missile attack on any European country. This of course would have had a detrimental effect against Putin’s plans of invading and re-annexing Poland in the near future. Today it is Georgia; tomorrow it may well be the Ukraine.

The Ukraine has applied for admission to NATO, as did Georgia. Putin is dead set against NATO admitting any of the former Soviet Satellite countries into membership, which leads me to believe that the only way the U.S. and Europe can protect the Ukraine is to move ahead and make the Ukraine a full member of NATO right away, because according to the NATO pact agreement, an attack on any NATO member country is an attack on all NATO member nations, which would mean that if the Ukraine were a member of NATO and Russia were to make a move on the Ukraine, the rest of the NATO member nations would be obligated by treaty to come to the Ukraine’s defense, (this is why members of the German Air Force helped patrol our skies for a few months following the 9/11 terror attack). This is the last thing that Putin wants, since it will prohibit him from attacking and taking control of the Ukraine.

Even though Putin is no-longer President of Russia, he manipulated the election process of Russia so that he would be made Prime Minister by the new Russian President, Dimitry Medvedev, so that in essence, Putin is still the one in control of the Russian government, and having been the head of the former KGB under the old Soviet Union, Putin is one leopard that cannot change his spots. Just look at the recent past with all of the murders and arresting of Russian journalists, including one right here in the U.S., while Putin was the President, and his clamping down on free enterprise in Russia and all dissent against him, one cannot deny Putin’s true intentions. He is NOT, NEVER was and NEVER will be a friend and ally of the West.

Under Putin, Russia has blocked every meaningful sanction against Iran. In essence, Russia has gone out of its way to help and protect Iran, while at the same time being responsible for helping Iran’s nuclear program.

If you really want to know who will lead the armies of the East in the battle of Armageddon, you only need to read the books of Ezekiel and Revelation, it is all very clear and fits in nicely with what Russia is doing today.


Did you know that it was on the advice of Lord Obamessiah that Russia agreed to a “cease fire”? At least according to the Democrat Governor of Virginia, Tim Kaine, who told Fox News that he was glad that Russia listened to Obama’s demand for a cessation of its attack on Georgia? Kaine said: “It was a bad crisis for the world. It required tough words but also a smart approach to call on the international community to step in. And I’m very, very happy that the Senator’s (Obama) request for a ceasefire has been complied with by President Medvedev.” That isn’t exactly the way I remember it, but then that is just me.Even if the Russians weren’t still attacking, which they are, this would be the biggest crock of Bulls%#t spin to ever hit the scene, because it would mean that the Russians totally ignored France, Germany, George Bush and John McCain, but totally bent to the will of Obama. GIVE ME A FRIGGIN’ BREAK.

Don’t believe it, just check out the video below.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008



“I took an I.Q. test and the results were negative.”


A California lawmaker interrupted a Christian minister telling him that his argument was “bulls%#t”.

This sort of disrespectful behavior on the part of an elected official is uncalled for and totally unacceptable, but then this is the sort of garbage that one can expect from the liberal Democrats.

Ms. Karen England, chief of the Capitol Resource Institute, stated; “This is the attitude that many in the majority party (Democrats) have towards the ‘little people’ who come to Sacramento to participate in the legislative process. Even when our staff is belittled publicly by these arrogant lawmakers, we have never been cursed at; this is beyond the pale.”

The startling comment was caught on video tape and posted to YouTube, which I have posted below. It took place while Pastor Robert Jones of Oak Park United Methodist Church was appearing before an informational hearing on the state’s efforts to cut emissions.

Pastor Jones was making the point that when government imposes mandates and taxes; it ends up hurting the poor and vulnerable in society. He was less than two minutes into his testimony when Sen. Pat Wiggins, Democrat, interrupted him saying; “Excuse me, but I think your arguments are bulls%#t.” Wiggins has yet to apologize.

Yesterday, I posted how these moral reprobates mandated a plan to have California school children celebrate homosexuality with an annual school holiday event, but one thing I had forgotten to mention, is that they also cleared the way to have communists teach classes in the state’s schools.

Can there be any doubt that the state of California is absolutely and totally out of control? If something isn’t done, the State of California will bring the rest of the country down completely.


Monday, August 11, 2008



Sometimes I wake up grumpy….other times I just let her sleep.


Once you step onto the slippery slope with both feet and no handle bars or safety rope, it is too late and it will be all down hill from there and faster than you may think or wish.

For years I, along with many other Conservatives have been trying to warn people that it would be folly to grant concessions to evil people such as those who demanded the removal of prayer from school, those who advocated for women’s right to murder their unborn children and those who demanded all sorts of special legislation for gay rights. We tried to warn one and all that if you start granting these rights, it will not stop there, because once these groups won a little, they would start demanding more and more, putting this country on the slippery slope to complete moral decay.

Our legislatures and our Supreme Court caved in as the Conservatives were branded as liars and fear mongers. The atheists got their way and prayer was removed from our schools. What was the result? All traditional Christmas carols and Christmas school plays are now banned from the schools. Christmas displays and music are no longer permitted in most public squares, and even the wishing of a “Merry Christmas” to fellow employees or customers in most work places is prohibited. The Courts and legislatures caved in to the abortion rights groups, who promised that abortions will only be allowed in the first trimester and only if the mother’s life would be in danger or in cases of rape or incest. What was the result? Today, abortions can be performed at any stage of the pregnancy including right up to the actual birth of the child and for whatever reason the mother wishes. The courts and the legislatures caved in to the gay rights groups when they demanded special legislation to protect them from discrimination in housing and employment. What was the result? Once they were granted those special laws, they then demanded and won the right to be foster-parents and to adopt children, and from there they have demanded and won to have their unnatural and disgusting life-style taught in our public schools as being something to be honored and esteemed the same as the heterosexual life-style, and they are demanding and in some cases winning the right to get legally married and to prance around in public half-naked (and in some case, completely naked) while putting on filthy displays of perverted sex acts during what they call “Gay Pride Parades”, like there is something to be proud of in their filthy perversions.

Well, you would think that was all bad enough, but NOOOOOO! Now the sodomite fags and lesbians in California are demanding even more, and if they succeed in getting it there, you can be sure it will come to your home State as well.

Of what am I speaking? The legislators want to tell school children to celebrate homosexuality. Their plans will require “suitable commemorative exercises” to honor Harvey Milk, a gay sodomite. Exactly one year after outlawing all negative messages about homosexuality in public schools, the State of California Legislature is now demanding that school children celebrate “gay” life-style choices.

If this filth is signed into law, Bill AB 2567 will mean that there must be an official day commemorating homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality in all California public schools. This will bring devastating moral harm to all children in California, as young as kindergarten. Every May 22, AB2567 will mean that teachers must positively portray to their students in all grades, homosexual experimentation, homosexual “marriages,” sex-change operations, and anything else pertaining to homosexuality.

Passage of this abomination by lawmakers will require all California public schools to “conduct suitable commemorative exercises to honor the anti-religious, sexual-anarchy agenda of Harvey Milk, the late gay San Francisco supervisor who was a homosexual activist.

Already, this year, the California State School Board implemented SB 71 which requires public schools that provide sex education to promote unmarried sexual activity with no restraints other than mutual consent.

Now, I want each of you to be totally honest with yourselves and your God and ask yourselves: “What will you do if this garbage comes to your State, and is enacted by your lawmakers? Will you be willing to finally rise up in armed revolt or would you just sit back and say; ‘Oh well, there is nothing I can do’, and wait for others to do something?”

To those of you who really care about children, be they your own or others, I urge you to visit to learn how to save our children while you still can.

Best Friends

Sunday, August 10, 2008



A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory.

Sometimes, it seems that we mere mortals just can’t seem to catch a break. It is one thing to try and cope with all of the problems that have hit me all at once in a short span of time, but to make matters worse, today is the 48th straight day that my little town of Webster, NY has been hit with torrential down pours accompanied by sever thunder and lightening. These downpours start suddenly and last for at least two hours. They come either in the mornings, afternoons, evenings or late at night, often without warning. As I sit here and type this, we are experiencing just such a storm and if this keeps up, I fear we will experience flooding, which will be the icing on the cake.

Poor Munchkin is close to suffering a heart attack because the thunder scares the be-jeepers out of her, since it is so loud and ear splitting, it literally rattles the windows. In all of my 63 years, I can honestly say that I have never experienced such violent thunderstorms on a daily basis, in my whole life.

So, I feel that a slightly humorous blog today is in order. At least it makes me feel better. I hope no one takes offense at the following, as it is not meant to be offensive.

The Following Says It All

Oy Vey!

Two Little Pineapple Pickers

Friday, August 8, 2008


Munchkin’s Rules Concerning Dogs:

1. The dog is not allowed in the house.

2. Okay, the dog is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.

3. The dog is allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.

4. Okay, the dog can get on the old furniture only.

5. Okay, fine, the dog is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed to sleep with the humans on the bed.

6. Oh okay, the dog is allowed on the bed, but only by invitation.

7. The dog can sleep on the bed whenever he wants, but not under the covers.

8. The dog can sleep under the covers by invitation only.

9. Okay, you win, the dog can sleep under the covers every night.

10. For heavens sake, alright already, humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the dog.

Munchkin’s Rules Concerning Cats:

1. An Aquarium is just interactive television for the cat.

2. Anything which is not nailed down is a cat toy. Any thing a cat can pry up was not sufficiently nailed down.

3. Dogs will do what you tell them to do. Cats will take a message and get back to you later.

4. Buy a dog a toy and it will play with it forever. Buy the cat a present and it will play with the wrapper for an hour.

5. A cat’s motto is: “No matter what you have done wrong, always try to make it look like the dog did it.

6. Cat Rule #1: Always bite the hand that won’t feed you fast enough.

7. cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject many aliments, but no cat has ever suffered from insomnia.

A Norwegian visits Fargo:

A Norwegian took a trip to Fargo, North Dakota. While in a bar, a Native American Indian entered and sat on the empty stool next to the Norwegian and spoke to him in a friendly manner saying: “Look, lets have a little game. I’ll ask you a riddle and if you can answer it, I’ll buy you a drink. But, if you can’t answer it, then you must buy me a drink. OK?”

“Ja, dat sounds purty good,” the Norwegian said.

The Indian said: “Ok, here is the riddle; My mother and father had one child. It wasn’t my brother and it wasn’t my sister. Who was it?”

The Norwegian thought and thought then finally scratched his head and said: “I give up. Who vas it?”

“It was me,” laughed the Indian. So, the Norwegian paid for the drinks.

Back in Norway the Norwegian walked into a bar and spotted one of his pals.

“Sven,” he said, “I got a game for you. If you can answer a question, I’ll buy you a drink. If you can’t answer it then you have to buy me vun. Fair enough?”

“Fair enough,” said Sven.

“Ok,” said the Norwegian, “My fatter and mutter had vun child. It vasn’t my brudder. It vasn’t my sister. Who vas it?”

“Search me,” said Sven. “I give up, who vas it?”

The Norwegian said; “It vas some Indian in Fargo, North Dakota in America!”

Thursday, August 7, 2008



Always borrow money from a pessimist; they don’t expect to get it back.

The talking buttock shows his level of experience to be president of the United States. While flapping his lips at a packed high school gym in Elkhart, Indiana, a seven year-old girl asked the Lord and Messiah why he was running for president. After stammering and stuttering, Obama told the girl that America isn’t so great.

WOW! What a friggin’ Moron!!

It is a rather simple question and every presidential candidate should be prepared to answer it, yet this empty head in an empty suit, this would be Saviour of mankind, was at a loss for words when a seven year-old girl asked him the question. Here was his reply: “America is, is no longer, uh, what it could be, what it once was, and I say to myself, I don’t want that future for my children.” Hey butt wipe, did it ever occur to you that it is you liberals who screwed this country up?

Rush Limbaugh, a talk-radio superstar featured a vocal clip of Obama on his show. Rush then had this to say: “You’re running for president of the U.S., and you run down the country to a seven year-old? Someone should ask Obama to name the period when, in his opinion, America was as it should be.” Check out the video:

San Francisco shoves it up ours once again!

Mayor Gavin Newsom won’t be happy until this filth is spread all across the U.S.

Click on the following link to read as much of the story that you can bear.


Archbuttcheek of Canterbury, Rowan Williams once again throws a wrench (or is that a male wench) into the unity of the Anglican Church:

This poor excuse for a Church leader is single-handedly destroying the Church of England, and I am surprised that the Queen does not step in and shut this asshole up. After all, correct me if I am wrong, but when a king or queen of England is crowned, are they not the head of the Church of England and don’t they swear an oath to defend the faith?

Williams now believes that gay sexual relationships “reflect the love of God” in a way that is comparable to marriage.

“Gay partnerships pose the same ethical questions as those between men and women, and the key issue for Christians is that they are faithful and lifelong,” Williams said. Oh really, you dip wad, can you show me where in Holy Scripture that you found that? That is not what the Word of God says, you moronic reprobate.

Please, is there anyone in England who can put this twit out of our misery?

Three members of India’s future

Wednesday, August 6, 2008



Consciousness is that annoying time between naps.

To those who asked, I haven’t posted a blog since last Saturday because I needed some time to get my mind and emotions under control. I have had a number of problems hit me at one time that it has taken a toll on me, mentally, emotionally and even physically. Due to this, my postings may be somewhat sporadic for a while, but I ask you all to please bear with me.

Every thing started on July 3rd when my car was tampered with and I still have not been able to replace my gas tank, then early Sunday morning, I received a phone call notifying me that my oldest son (the one who is in the U.S. Air Force) who is serving his 4th tour in Iraq was injured. Luckily, I received a second call telling me that his injuries weren’t serious and they were caused in an auto accident in Baghdad, and that he will return to duty in a couple of weeks.

As if this wasn’t enough, my 92 year old mother took a fall in her apartment on Monday morning and fractured two ribs. She is now in an adult care facility until she heals enough to return home, which may be sometime this week.

Between trying to comfort my grandkids, and spending time trying to borrow a car to visit my mother, the initial worry about my son and a few other problems, my nerves have been shot.

Well, enough about me:

Now This:

I would like you all to view the following video about Barack Obama, and then get word out to every one about how dangerous this man will be as president. Then scroll down to read all about Obama’s Muslim connections.


There is an old adage that says, “Be careful of what you ask for, because you just might get it.” People who are so dead set on voting for Barack Obama on the strength of his rhetoric of ‘Change’, and not knowing exactly what that entails, I suggest that they keep that adage in mind.

Obama and his supporters, along with the Fox News Channel, continuously deny that he is a Muslim, but even if it is true, what about his Muslim connections, past and present?

For instance, how about Barack’s continued support of Kenya’s Raila Odinga, continuing even after Odinga has been blamed for inciting tribal violence and slaughtering Christians. It was Odinga’s (Odinga is a Muslim) protests following his political lose to the U.S.-backed Mwai Kibaki in the 2007 Kenyan presidential election that led to a horrific wave of tribal and religious violence that threatened to rip the country apart.

The violence that Obama’s friend Odinga was responsible for, included the wholesale slaughter of some 50 Pentecostal Christians.

During Obama’s first visit to Kenya as a U.S. Senator, Barack openly campaigned for Odinga, to the point that spokesman for the Kenyan government, Alfred Mutua, loudly accused Obama of inappropriate meddeling in Kenyan presidential politics. There have been assertions that Obama and Odinga are cousins, and it is known that Barack’s father and Odinga’s family belong to the same Luo tribe.

Odinga made the unsubstantiated claim that he lost the election due to voter fraud by Kibaki. Odinga’s accusation led to widespread fighting that resulted in the death of more than 1,000 people and leaving more than 350,000 Kenyans homeless. In one horrifying incident, at 50 people including women and children were slaughtered by an angry mob of Muslims who forced the Kikuyu Christians into an Assemblies of God Pentecostal Church, locked them in and set the church on fire, hacking with machetes any of the Christian victims who tried to escape the flames.

During the final days of the New Hampshire Democrat primary, following the post-election violence in Kenya, Obama told news reporters that he had telephoned Odinga, and he sided with Odinga saying: “Obviously he [Odinga] believes that the votes were not tallied properly.”

Further evidence of Obama’s Muslim connections is a video that shows Obama’s direct involvement in Kenyan politics to support Odinga, but there is also a second video which shows a press conference held by the Muslims who signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Odinga. There is absolutely nothing on record or otherwise to indicate that Obama ever withdrew his support of Odinga, even after Odinga signed the agreement with the Muslims in Kenya.

In this agreement, Odinga who claimed to be an Anglican Christian promises to pursue an undeclared radical Islamic political agenda, should he become president.

Do you need more proof, there is this? Palestinian brothers, Monir Edwan and Hasom Edwan, inside the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip are listed in government election filings as having donated $29,521.54 to Sen. Barack’s presidential campaign. Donations of this sort are a violation of our election laws, including the prohibition on receiving contributions from foreigners as well as guidelines against accepting more than $2,300 from one individual during a single election.

In an on line form on Obama’s campaign site, the Edwan brothers listed their street as “Tal Esaltan,” which they claimed was located in Rafah, GA. There is no city named Rafah in the State of Georgia. The Edwans are a rather large clan that includes top Hamas supporters.

Now, when you put all of this together what Michelle Obama said during one of her campaign speeches: “If my husband is elected, he going to make people do things….”, doesn’t that frighten you just a little about what sort of changes he has in mind for America? Then of course, the next question should be; “If Obama is elected, just how much of America will be left after four years?”

Pretty as a picture