Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I guess it is all over for America!

"Just Hitting Another
Brick Wall"

"Abouna" says:

I guess it is all over for America!

I wasn't going to do another blog posting tonight, but when the following came up, I just couldn't resist.

As you already know, Bank of America has, in their righteous wisdom, to issue credit cards to all those who are illegally.

On the Bill O’Reilly show tonight on Fox News, Bill debated this subject with the little twit Jonathan Hoenig of the Capitalist Pig Asset Management, based in Chicago, IL.

Hoenig defended Bank America’s decision to do this, but every time O’Reilly tried to stress the fact that these were illegal immigrants, Hoenig, like all of the liberal jerks, kept trying to make it sound like O’Reilly and those who oppose illegal immigration, are against all immigrants.

This seems to be the tactic used by the left. Confuse the public, with the help of the MSM, so that they cannot differentiate between legal and illegal immigration. The sad part is that they seem to be winning.

The second shocking thing that Bill O’Reilly had on the show this evening was a story about a gay illegal immigrant by the name of Jorge Soto Vega, who applied for asylum claiming that he was beaten by a Mexican policemen because he is gay.

He had no evidence of any kind to back his story up, so the Immigration Judge denied his request and ordered him to return to Mexico.

Wonder of wonders, a judge on the 9th circuit (Uber Liberal Court) over ruled the Immigration Judge and allowed Vega to stay. So, since there won’t be any counter suit brought, Vega is here to stay and he can apply for one of those Bank America cards.

So, I guess we can only give up and prepare for losing our country. None of our politicians, those running for or already in congress, and none of those running for the presidency have any desire to stop the wholesale sell out of our great country, and worse yet, the citizens of this country have become totally spineless or apathetic.

America, you were great while you lasted, may you rest in peace.

I guess it is all over for America!