Sometimes I wake up grumpy….other times I just let her sleep.
Once you step onto the slippery slope with both feet and no handle bars or safety rope, it is too late and it will be all down hill from there and faster than you may think or wish.
For years I, along with many other Conservatives have been trying to warn people that it would be folly to grant concessions to evil people such as those who demanded the removal of prayer from school, those who advocated for women’s right to murder their unborn children and those who demanded all sorts of special legislation for gay rights. We tried to warn one and all that if you start granting these rights, it will not stop there, because once these groups won a little, they would start demanding more and more, putting this country on the slippery slope to complete moral decay.
Our legislatures and our Supreme Court caved in as the Conservatives were branded as liars and fear mongers. The atheists got their way and prayer was removed from our schools. What was the result? All traditional Christmas carols and Christmas school plays are now banned from the schools. Christmas displays and music are no longer permitted in most public squares, and even the wishing of a “Merry Christmas” to fellow employees or customers in most work places is prohibited. The Courts and legislatures caved in to the abortion rights groups, who promised that abortions will only be allowed in the first trimester and only if the mother’s life would be in danger or in cases of rape or incest. What was the result? Today, abortions can be performed at any stage of the pregnancy including right up to the actual birth of the child and for whatever reason the mother wishes. The courts and the legislatures caved in to the gay rights groups when they demanded special legislation to protect them from discrimination in housing and employment. What was the result? Once they were granted those special laws, they then demanded and won the right to be foster-parents and to adopt children, and from there they have demanded and won to have their unnatural and disgusting life-style taught in our public schools as being something to be honored and esteemed the same as the heterosexual life-style, and they are demanding and in some cases winning the right to get legally married and to prance around in public half-naked (and in some case, completely naked) while putting on filthy displays of perverted sex acts during what they call “Gay Pride Parades”, like there is something to be proud of in their filthy perversions.
Well, you would think that was all bad enough, but NOOOOOO! Now the sodomite fags and lesbians in California are demanding even more, and if they succeed in getting it there, you can be sure it will come to your home State as well.
Of what am I speaking? The legislators want to tell school children to celebrate homosexuality. Their plans will require “suitable commemorative exercises” to honor Harvey Milk, a gay sodomite. Exactly one year after outlawing all negative messages about homosexuality in public schools, the State of California Legislature is now demanding that school children celebrate “gay” life-style choices.
If this filth is signed into law, Bill AB 2567 will mean that there must be an official day commemorating homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality in all California public schools. This will bring devastating moral harm to all children in California, as young as kindergarten. Every May 22, AB2567 will mean that teachers must positively portray to their students in all grades, homosexual experimentation, homosexual “marriages,” sex-change operations, and anything else pertaining to homosexuality.
Passage of this abomination by lawmakers will require all California public schools to “conduct suitable commemorative exercises to honor the anti-religious, sexual-anarchy agenda of Harvey Milk, the late gay San Francisco supervisor who was a homosexual activist.
Already, this year, the California State School Board implemented SB 71 which requires public schools that provide sex education to promote unmarried sexual activity with no restraints other than mutual consent.
Now, I want each of you to be totally honest with yourselves and your God and ask yourselves: “What will you do if this garbage comes to your State, and is enacted by your lawmakers? Will you be willing to finally rise up in armed revolt or would you just sit back and say; ‘Oh well, there is nothing I can do’, and wait for others to do something?”
To those of you who really care about children, be they your own or others, I urge you to visit RescueYourChild.org to learn how to save our children while you still can.
Best Friends