Tuesday, April 29, 2008



We don’t have to wait for an attack from any foreign sources to destroy us, we are doing the job ourselves, thank you.

The United States of America is one hell of a sick and degenerated country. You don’t believe it? Just take a look around you. Decency and morality is a very teeny tiny minority, while the majority of Americans today are sick and depraved.

Now, before I go any further, those of you who do not wish to read what I have to say in this posting, better leave now. Those who choose to continue reading, be warned I will pull no punches and mince no words!

The United States today is infected with three diseases that are taking a toll on this country. One of these is mental illness. Yes, America is mentally ill; we have become a nation of frigging morons. Time and again, we prove that the vast majority of Americans are permanently stuck on stupid or they are totally brain dead. Many walk around in a semi-comatose state not fully aware of what the hell is going on around them and not seeming to give a damn. I have seen so damn many people who suffer from low self-esteem, so many people who put on a false face of being so concerned about the welfare of every thing and every one around them, but deep down inside they cannot see beyond their own wants and needs. Every thing has to be about them; how popular they are, how good they look, how big their boobs are, how many toys they have, etc.

Another disease America is suffering from is a STD called over indulgence. Of the 280 emails I receive everyday, 190 of them are from various sources that seem to be overly concerned with my sex life and the size of my penis. Every single night I have to listen to sex starved women on TV, trying to get me to buy this, that or the other thing that will make ME stay hard longer so that I could satisfy THEM, because it seems that they just can’t get enough. But lets not leave out the fags because they apparently can’t get enough either. More and more television programs are slipping gay scenes into their shows, and if that isn’t enough, a state-funded organization in Maine hyped as being “a stellar program for social change” is now advertising a seminar that essentially provides information to impressionable young school-age boys on how to be homosexual, according to a pro-family organization opposing the plan.

This disgusting seminar titled: “Queer, Questioning, Quiet: Developing Gender Identity & Male Sexual Orientation,” is being promoted by the Boys to Men organization in Portland Main. The Boys to Men website advertisement about this conference says that it is “targeted primarily to middle and high school boys and their adult male mentors.” Isn’t wonderful, you send your sons to school as normal healthy boys and they come out frigging queers and flaming fags, and if they are lucky by the time they are in their late twenties to early thirties, the worst they will suffer from is the inability to control their bowels.

Oh, what’s that I hear? Gay and Lesbians are horribly offended by what I said? TOUGH SHIT! God Almighty is far more offended by your vile, filthy, disgusting and unnatural behavior than I could ever possibly offend you.

The third disease America is suffering from is a demise of their national and individual souls. The souls of America and her people are in their death throes and time is fast running out for them to be successfully resuscitated.

The crap that passes for religion today in America is enough to make the saints in heaven cringe in pain. The majority of “Christians” and even many Jews now-a-days are fed a diet of “feel good” theology. You’re not responsible for the evil you do, no repentance necessary because Jesus loves you just as you are and he died for you. God wants you to have the best that life has to offer, all you have to do is reach out and claim it. Our churches today, preach that we aren’t to judge any one for any thing. There is no right, there is no wrong, what ever the hell feels good to you, do it

Many of those in the Black community are spoon-fed diet of hate. Hate whitey, hate America. For every one step we take forward in race relations, Black ministers like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, etc., knock us back fifteen. The sad thing about this is that those in the black community, who follow these so-called ministers, do not realize that people like Wright, Sharpton, Jackson, don’t want racism to end in America because it would mean the end to their “meal tickets.” As long as they can keep their own people down and believing that whites are oppressing them, those who call themselves ministers will continue to live on the hog.

No, we don’t have to worry about the Taliban, Hezzbola, Al Qiada or any other group destroying us. All they have to do is sit back and watch us destroy ourselves. Then when we have crawled as far into the gutter that we can go, they will just waltz on in, kick our sorry asses and take over the country.