Wednesday, April 23, 2008


A Little Tidbit I Heard on Fox News This Evening:

Just one more thing to make you say “Hmmmm”:

It seems that John McCain (that very conservative guy running for president on the Republican ticket) apparently got is knickers in a twist over a political campaign ad produced by the Republican party of North Carolina.

The ad brings up Barack Obama’s (one of McCain’s opponents in the presidential race) pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and McCain says that the ad is hitting below the belt. McCain has asked the North Carolina GOP not to run the ad.

The ad shows Obama and Wright together and features a clip of Wright cursing America.

McCain told voters that the North Carolina ad is not the message he wants for his campaign. The North Carolina Republicans said they will not pull the ad, arguing that it is about a statewide race and not the national election.

Responding to all of this, Obama said the Republican National Committee and McCain have both called the North Carolina ad inappropriate, and the presumptive GOP nominee should have the authority to get the ad pulled.

Now here is the “Hmmm” causing tidbit. Obama said, on camera, on the Fox News Channel, and I quote: “I take them at their word and I assume that if my soul brother John McCain thinks that it is an inappropriate ad then he can get them to pull it down since he is their nominee and standard bearer.”

“Soul Brother?” Hmmmmm!

I lifted this meme from Leticia at Leticia’s World:

Have you ever:

1. Gone on a blind date? Yes, many years ago.

2. Skipped school? Hasn’t every one?

3. Watched someone die? More times then I care to remember.

4. Been to Canada? Several times.

5. Been to Mexico? No.

6. Been to Florida? Yes, I lived in St. Augustine and Lake Worth.

7. Been on a plane? Yes.

8. Been lost? Never.

9. Been on the opposite side of the country? Yes, California, Texas.

10. Been to the capital of your country? Yes.

11. Swam in the ocean or waded? Yes, both.

12. Cried yourself to sleep? Not since I was a little kid.

13. Played cops and robber? Yes

14. Recently colored with crayons? No, I gave it up for Lent.

15. Sang Karaoke? No, I don’t believe in needless torture.

16. Paid for a meal with coins only? Yes, a couple of times.

17. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? All the time.

18. Made prank phone calls? Yes, 100’s when I was a kid.

19. Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Oh yea.

20. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes. Lots of fun there.

21. Danced in the rain? Yes, dang near got pneumonia.

22. Written a letter to Santa Claus? Yes, but my mother never mailed it.

23. Been kissed under the mistletoe? Do the grandkids count?

24. Watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yes, with my sons when they were little.

25. Blown bubbles? Yes.

26. Gone ice-skating? Yes, but I didn’t like it.

27. Been skinny dipping outdoors? Yes, a few times.

28. Been out of North America? Yes; Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Lebanon, Israel.

29. Been in detention? Yes, a few times in high school for falling asleep in class.

30. Regretted something you blogged? NEVER.