Archeologists, digging in the Sinai, unearthed some ancient parchment scrolls which have turned out to be the lost Gospel According to “Abouna” Gregori which gives definitive proof of how it all began.
And that is how it all began. It wasn’t Al Gore after all.
Now a Thought For Today:
So, you think your life is bad? Just consider how bad the life of an egg is….
If you were an egg, you would only get laid once, and you would only get eaten once.
If you were an egg, it would take you 4 minutes to get hard, but only 2 minutes to get soft.
If you were an egg, you would have to share a box with 11 other guys, and the only chick who ever sat on your face was your mother!
And, if you were lucky enough to hatch, you would have to go through life with your pecker in the middle of your face.
My goodness, Ah’m about to have the vapors, quick someone get me to the ‘fainting couch’. Ah do declare America has finally reached the bottom of the barrel and continues to dig even deeper in this year’s election.
Lawdy, Lawdy, here is what you folks have had so far, starting with the former ‘Commander-in-Sleaze’ Bill Clinton:
Bill Clinton:A draft dodging, pot smoking, cocaine snorting womanizer who sold technological missal secrets to the Communist Chinese in exchange for re-election campaign funds. A man who did not have the ability to keep his pants either zippered or up. Bill Clinton, the man who brought Monica Lewinsky, an intern (some might even say she was a female plumber) into the Oval Office where while kneeling under his desk (certainly not to pray), she cleaned his pipes. Bill Clinton, the most intelligent man in the world, who claims that “oral sex is not sex,” and whose whole legal argument was based on “It all depends on what the meaning of “is” is.” He is also a man suspected of having some connections to several so-called Arkan-cides (a whole list of people connect to Bill Clinton, in one way or another, who ended up dead, their deaths being ruled suicides. These deaths go all the way back to his college days and all through his time as Governor of Arkansas). Guess what, you folks elected him President of the United States.
Hillary Clinton:The First Lady and wife of the Commander-in-Sleaze. A woman, who along with her husband, had absolutely no respect for the police or for the military, let alone for the Office of the President or for the White House. A woman who was deeply involved in a very crooked land deal in Arkansas and who was involved in a very shady cattle futures deal, turning $1,000.00 into $100,000.00 in a few short days. She is the woman who ordered her White House Staff to enter the office of Vince Foster, her former Rose Law firm partner who she brought to Washington, D.C., when her husband was elected President, to remove everything, possibly destroying potential evidence, before allowing anyone, including police and federal investigators access to the office, after Foster, supposedly “committed suicide” in a Washington, D.C. park. Hillary, the woman who controlled who her husband appointed for various government positions, both inside and outside the White House. During her husband’s administration, almost all of their White House assistants were drug users, homosexuals or lesbians. This is the same woman who had ultra liberal college art students submit hand made Christmas tree decorations based on the theme “The Twelve Days of Christmas” which she then had placed upon the White House Christmas tree. So what was wrong with that you ask? The decorations which were made from various materials, including condoms, were some of the vilest, most pornographic filth you would ever want to see. Hillary Clinton, a woman who has lied and continues to tell lies so much and so often that she can no-longer distinguish the difference between a lie and the truth. And she was elected Senator of New YorkState and is now running for President of the United States.
Elliot Spitzer:The little tyrant with an over-inflated ego, who was the former District Attorney for the Southern District of New York State, who pursued so-called “wrong doers” with all of the viciousness of a rabid pit bull. He was a man who even referred to himself as a “f_ _king steamroller” when going after law breakers, everything from corporate titans to prostitutes. Then Spitzer ran for the office of Governor of New YorkState and won. He was no sooner sworn in when he started throwing his weight around and tried to intimidate his subordinates into issuing New York State Drivers’ Licenses to illegal immigrants and illegally using the State Police to spy on and collect dirt on his political enemies in the New York State Legislature. Spitzer was then forced to resign, a month ago, in shame when it came to light that he was involved with a high class prostitution ring and transporting women across State lines for the purpose of prostitution.
David A. Paterson:Now this is a hoot! Spitzer is forced to resign due to his involvement with a “high end” prostitution ring, so the Lieutenant Governor, David A. Paterson is sworn in as the new Governor. The MSM gushes all over him proclaiming the fact that he is the first legally blind person to become a Governor in the United States and the first Black man to hold that position in New YorkState. The MSM also proclaimed what a breath of fresh air Paterson would be to N.Y., bringing honesty, integrity and morality back to the Office of Governor. Weeeell, guess what folks, the next day, following his taking the Oath of Office, Paterson tells the press how he and his wife cheated on each other, and how he illegally used campaign funds to pay for the hotel and travel bills that he racked up to meet his various love interests, around the State. That was bad enough, but then a few days after that bombshell, Paterson came out and told all about how he had smoked “Pot” and used cocaine in the past. Who’da thunk it?
Barack Hussein Obama:Now here is a real piece of work. Barack, the man who claims to love America and who says he is a true patriot, but he refuses to wear a label flag pin and he does not place his hand over his heart during the pledge. Barack also claims to be a devout Christian, but he attended a church for over twenty years, whose pastor spewed the vilest anti-white and anti-American rhetoric, and yet Obama claimed he never heard it. Much like the Clintons, Barack seems to have a penchant for fudging the truth and re-writing history, especially when it comes to his father. Barack is a man who talks a good game but has nothing concrete to back him up, (an empty head in an empty suit) yet the masses are ga-gaing and goo-gooing over him, one television news man even went so far as to say: “Listening to Obama speak sends a tingle running up my leg.” Good god man, take a cold shower! And this jerk wants to be president?
Kwame Kilpatrick:The “honorable” mayor of Detroit, who has been indicted for Perjury in a sex-scandal case. So what’s new? He was elected at the age of thirty-one becoming the youngest mayor in the history of Detroit. Kwame and his chief of staff, Christine Beatty, both lied while under oath about their steamy relationship last summer at a police whistle-blower trial that cost the good folks of Detroit, a whopping nine-million dollars. During testimony last August, both Kwame and Christine denied that they had a sexual relationship, but a series of cell phone text messages, tell a whole different story, as they show them engaged in romantic banter as well as planning and recounting sexual liaisons.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian:You just gotta luv this one! Dr. “Death” claimed to have “assisted” at least 130 patients to commit suicide. He served eight years, from 1999 – 2007, of a 10 -25 year prison sentence for second-degree murder. He was paroled on June 1, 2007 due to “good behavior” and a promise not to help any more patients kill themselves. Now here is the kicker, on March 12, 2008, this purveyor of permanent “lay-away” plans, this convicted felon, announced that he plans to run for congress in Michigan’s 9th Congressional District. He says he will run as an independent. The way this country is going, I am almost willing to bet he wins.
John McCain:Yes, McCain, Mr. Conservative himself. McCain who claims to be a true Conservative even though he spent most of his senate career sucking up to and brown nosing the likes of such far left Liberals as Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton. McCain never saw a Liberal Senate Bill that he didn’t vote for. Now, in a speech which McCain gave this past Wednesday, he has Conservatives hot under the collar. It was a speech that John Kerry could have given. I honestly believe that in that speech, McCain thumbed his nose at conservatives. In a speech given before the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles, California, McCain put forth a laundry list of all things that go against everything conservatives stand for. He spoke about New World Orders, the North American Union, how we need global permission to protect American interests. These things are so far removed even from the basic Republican interests, much less Conservative. McCain stated the following in the speech: “Our great power does not mean we can do what ever we want, nor should we assume we have all the wisdom and knowledge necessary to succeed. We need to listen, we need to listen to the views and respect the collective will of our Democratic allies. When we believe international action is necessary, whether military, economic, or diplomatic, we will try to persuade our friends that we are right. But we in return must be willing to be persuaded by them.” In essence, what McCain is telling us, is if he is elected president, American interests will be up for a veto by the “collective world body” and that the US must always get permission before we take any action. This is just another step in diminishing America’s role as the leader of the free world, and there is no difference from what John Kerry said when he was running for president against G.W. Bush. McCain went on to say: “I believe the Americas can and must be the model for a new 21st century relationship between North and South. Ours can be the first completely democratic hemisphere, where trade is free across all borders, where the rule of law and the power of free markets advance the security and prosperity of all.” We should all be proud to be Americans, proud to be citizens of the United States of America. We do not need any alliances with foreign governments, even if they are in our hemisphere, that will take away our national sovereignty or to diminish our capacity to do what is in the best interest of America and the American people. McCain is also chanting the Liberal mantra, calling for the closing of GuantanamoBay detention facility. What the hell does he want, to put terrorists in our general prison system so that they can recruit new members to their cause? My Daddy was willing to hold his nose and vote for McCain, but after this speech he says that there is no way in hell that he will do that, he says he is staying home on election day, since all we have to choose from are just Liberals. I hope you believe my Daddy now, when he says the Republican Party and the Democrat Party are morphing into one.
So, is it any wonder that America is going to hell in a hand basket? Each generation of Americans seem to go out of their way to choose even more morally bankrupt elected officials then what their parents’ generation chose. Just how much further down the crapper drainpipe can this country go before we cease to be a nation? All you seem to have isdruggies,womanizers,adulterers,whore mongers,homosexuals, pedophiles,alcoholics,traitors,fornicators,thieves, philanderers and just plainscumbagsto run the country. Good golly gee, is it any wonder America and the American people are so screwed up?
While I am still up on my soapbox ranting my little tail off, let’s try this one on for size. About three nights ago, my Daddy was watching our local news, when the news anchor read the latest government report concerning Social Security and Medicare, which stated that Social Security will be totally bankrupt by the year 2049 and Medicare even sooner, like around 2017. If that is the case, then how come McCain voted right along with the majority of the Senate, that starting with this year, Social Security benefits are to be given to illegal immigrants, both those still in this country and to those who have since gone back to their home countries, most who never paid a cent into the program?
Also, why is it that our elected leaders keep insisting on signing more and more “Free Trade” agreements, knowing that each new agreement costs us more and more of our jobs? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the more Americans who lose their jobs, the less money there is being paid into the Social Security Trust Fund(now there is an oxymoron for you)and into Medicare. Damn, even a moron can figure that one out! How come, ever since its’ inception, the money we pay into Social Security and Medicare, was NEVER put into a separate account? Instead, it was placed in the general fund and the government has been spending it faster than a drunken sailor on whatever they damn well feel like.
Today, we have corporate big wigs, corporate lawyers, etc., holding meetings and seminars on how to screw the American workers out of jobs (see the videos on my Daddy’s blog posting on Thursday, March 20)and either giving those jobs to immigrants holding H-1B visas, paying those immigrants far less than they would have to pay American workers, or making deals with governments of third world countries to move our jobs over there, while at the same time, allowing more and more illegal immigrants to flood into our country to take what ever low paying jobs are left and then giving them our Social Security and Medicare.
Now ask yourselves,“as American citizens reach retirement age and start to require more and more medical care, what are we supposed to do as our Social Security and Medicare run dry?”I think I know. I bet that a law will eventually be passed that as soon as Americans reach a certain age and start to require more medical care then they can afford, it will be mandatory to be“EUTHANIZED”to put you out of the government’s misery. You don’t think so? Just wait. I mean after all, you humans have been doing it to us animals for eons, now it is your turn, only it will be your own kind doing it to you.
Now that I have talked the hind-leg off a jackass, sit back and enjoy the following video. I go along with everything this preacher says, except the part where he supports Bill Clinton.
Just some lighthearted stuff before Munchkin’s wild rant on Saturday:
Something to think about:
If you were able to shrink the population of the entire earth down to the size of a single village with a population of exactly 100 people, keeping all existing human ratios the same, here is what you will end up with:
You would have 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south. 14 would be Africans.
52 would be female, 48 would be male, 30 would be white and 70 would be non-white. 70 would be non-Christian while 30 would be Christian.
89 would be heterosexual and 11 would be homosexual. 6 people would possess 59% of the entire world’s wealth and all 6 would be from the United States. 80 would live in substandard housing.
70 would be unable to read, while 50 would be suffering from malnutrition. 1 would be near death and 1 would be near birth.
Only 1 would have a college education and only 1 would own a computer.
So, what does it all mean?
If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. If you woke up with more health than illness this morning, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive the week.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace in your home, you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy. If you can attend a church service without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.
If you have never experienced the danger of war, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are way ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you are able to read this posting, you are more blessed than two billion people in the world who are unable to read.
Are Men and Dogs Alike?
Let’s see, both take up too much space on the bed and couch. Both have an irrational fear about vacuum cleaning. Both feel threatened by their own kind and both mark their territory.
Both are bad at asking you questions. Neither tells you what is bothering them. Both have a tendency to smell riper with age. The smaller ones tend to be more nervous. Both fart shamelessly.
Neither dogs nor men notice when you get a haircut. Both like dominance games and both are suspicious of the mailman and neither understands what you see in cats.
Hillary Clinton isn’t the only Democrat Presidential Candidate with an over-active imagination:
It now appears that Barak Obama has trouble recalling facts. When he wrote his autobiographical book“Dreams from My Father,”Barak portrayed a heroic image of his father, but then again, never let the facts get in the way of a good pipe dream.
According to Barak, his father emerged a poor simple Kenyan goat herder, to become a Harvard-educated economist fated to return full of promise to Africa. Sadly, reality is so much different and bleaker than the fairy tale spun by Barak in his book.
The truth is Obama senior, Barak’s father, was a womanizing polygamist who had already abandoned one wife and child in Africa when he met Barak’s mother in Hawaii. Upon finishing his education at Harvard, papa Obama then abandoned Barak and his mother, returned to Africa where lived a life of a chronic alcoholic who met his ultimate end by killing himself in his second alcohol induced auto accident while driving intoxicated on the streets of Nairobi.
In his book“Dreams from My Father,”Barak starts with 1982, when he had just turned twenty-one, he received a phone call from Africa informing him that his father had been killed in a car accident, but Barak omits the fact that his father had killed himself driving drunk.
Flipping ahead a few pages, Barak traces his father’s history in Kenya to the time he herded goats while attending the local British colonial school. According to Barak, his daddy showed so much promise in school that he won a scholarship to study in Nairobi, then he was selected by Kenyan leaders and American sponsors, on the eve of Kenyan independence, to attend a University in the United States.
Obama boastfully tells his readers that his father joined“the first wave of Africans to be sent forth to master Western technology and bring it back to forge a new, modern Africa.”But Barak carefully omitted the fact that his father headed off, at the age of twenty-three, to a university education in Hawaii, abandoning Kezia, an African girl he had married at the age of eighteen. Nor does he mention the fact that Kezia was pregnant at the time with Obama senior’s first son.
Obama goes on to inform his readers that his father’s friends“were legion, and he helped to organize the International Students Association, of which he became the first president.”What was left out of the narrative? He left out his father’s continued success with women.
The truth about Obama’s father was exposed by London’s Daily Mail in a January 2007 expose, the details of which have remained unchallenged even to this day. According to the Daily Mail, Barak’s father was a“slick womanizer” who persuaded Barak’s mother, a“naïve eighteen-year-old white girl to marry him, without disclosing to her that he had left behind in Africa a wife he had not divorced.”
The couple married and Barak was born in August 1961. Two years later, Daddy Obama won another scholarship to pursue a Ph.D. at Harvard. Barak then tells his readers that the reason why his father chose to abandon him and his mother in Hawaii was because the scholarship to Harvard did not include “the money to take his new family with him.”Then Barak goes on to say that after his father had left for Cambridge,“Separation occurred, and his father returned to Africa to fulfill his promise to the continent. The mother and child stayed behind, but the bond of love survived the distance…” According to the Daily Mail, Barak omitted the fact that his mother divorced his father when she found out about“his bigamous double life,” and while at Harvard, Obama senior had an affair with yet another American woman, a teacher named Ruth, whom he met at Harvard while still married to Barak’s mother and also to his abandoned wife back in Africa. Obama senior then returned to Kenya where he fathered two more children by Kezia, and somewhere during that time, he also married Ruth, who followed him to Africa from Harvard. He then fathered two more children with Kezia and another two with Ruth.
The Daily Mail also reveals that Ruth finally left Obama senior“after he repeatedly flew into whisky-fueled rages, beating her brutally.”Friends say that drinking blighted Obama senior’s life. The Daily Mail reported that in his first car accident, in which he was driving while intoxicated“he lost both his legs and his job, and after losing his legs he fathered another son by yet another woman, and continued to come home drunk.”
The Daily Mail wrote:“We have discovered that his father was not just a flawed individual, but an abusive bigamist and an egomaniac, whose life was ruined not by racism or corruption, but by his own weakness. And devastatingly, the testimony has come from Mr. Obama’s own relatives and family friends.”
The Daily Mail concluded,“For all of Mr. Obama’s reputation for straight talking and the compelling narrative of his recollections, they are largely a myth. Obama chose to present his father in a favorable light as an electoral tactic.”
What really stinks is that Barak falsely blames racism for the break up of his parents’ marriage instead of his father’s polygamist ways, and in his book, he never mentions precisely how many wives his father had, nor how many half-brothers and –sisters he has from different mothers, whether they were married to his father or not.
Now, I Hope you will enjoy the following, they are from England:
After listening to the Fox News Channel today, I am left to wonder, “When did it become Politically Incorrect to call a liar a LIAR?”
Hillary Clinton is a LIAR, plain and simple. No two ways about it, she lied. She lied about her trip to Bosnia, when she claimed that she and her party landed under sniper fire, so they had to run with their heads down to the vehicles to whisk them away to their base. In her words, during a speech on Iraq given last Monday, Hillary stated:“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”Then to stretch credulity even further, she claimed that the situation in Bosnia, at that time, was far too dangerous for the President to make the trip himself,(oky doky, so what she is telling us is that it was too dangerous for Bill Clinton to go, so he decided to send his wife and daughter instead, along with a comedian and a singer).Even Hillary’s written account(which still wasn’t exactly the truth) contradicts her comments last Monday about the Bosnia welcoming ceremony. Now Hillary and her backers are saying that Hillary “misspoke”. No Hillary, you DID NOT misspeak, you LIED!
A few days following the 9/11 terror attack on the World Trade Center, Hillary came out and told the public about how close her daughter Chelsea came to being a victim of 9/11. According to Hillary’s recollection of events:“Chelsea was out jogging right near the TwinTowers when the attack occurred, the only thing that saved her was the fact that she sought shelter in a nearby café.” The TRUTH is far different from Hillary’s account. Chelsea was several miles away sound asleep at a friend’s apartment. Again Hillary, you DID NOT misspeak, you LIED! Just as you LIED when you said that you played a crucial role in the Irish peace deal, the same as you LIED when you claimed to having no knowledge of the Rose Law Firm records dealing with the “Whitewater” land deal and then they turn up on a table outside your office in the White House, with your fingerprints all over them.
A few months back, when one of your campaign offices in New Hampshire was attacked by a lone disgruntled gunman, and the news media and your campaign people and supporters claimed how you acted so“presidential”during the whole thing, also was a LIE considering that you were no where near New Hampshire at the time. You were hundreds of miles away in another state.
You claim to be highly qualified to be President of the United States from day one. Well, if the main qualification for the presidency is an ability to lie like hell, then I guess you should win hands down.
China has accused the Dalai Lama of being a terrorist
The “Butcher of Beijing” continues to insist that the continued violence in Tibet is a plot supported by a small minority. Rather than heeding international calls to hold dialogue with the Dalai Lama, China’s leaders continually accuse and portray Tibet’s exiled god-king as being in collusion with Muslim terrorists to destabilize the country before the Olympic Games, which China is hosting this year.
In the capital of Tibet, Lhasa, local TV issued a seventh list of those most wanted in connection with the riots on March 10, in the Chinese officials claim only twenty-two people were killed, however, the Dalai Lama’s government-in-exile in the Indian town of Dharamsala claims the death toll to be ninety-nine, made up of eighty in Lhasa and nineteen shot dead as the violence spilled over into neighboring provinces that have large Tibetan populations.
The Communist rulers of China are putting forth the claim that the Dalai Lama never abandoned violence after fleeing Tibet in 1959 after a failed revolt against Beijing. The Dalai Lama has said that the accusations made by China are baseless.
Having witnessed the atrocities in Tienimen Square on the nightly news, I believe the Dalai Lama. Much like the Mullahs of Islam, Beijing has a habit of twisting facts and out-and-out lying that I don’t think they capable of knowing the truth if it snuck up and bite them in the butt. And these are the people that Bill Clinton sold our military technological missile secrets to when he was president?
Can someone, anyone tell me why Hillary Clinton is even being allowed to run for the Office of President of the United States?
If our legal system worked the way it is supposed to, both Hillary and her husband would be sitting in a federal prison right now.
For the next six Mondays, I will be posting two videos each Monday that will give an in depth look at the CORRUPT History of the Clintons;
If you watch the videos closely, you will see that at the very least, both Bill and Hillary are guilty of TREASON and possibly MURDER or accessory to murder, as well as of many other crimes that include receiving illegal campaign funds from a foreign government(former Vice-President Al Gore is also involved in this),and aiding a foreign power HOSTILE to the United States, illegal drug use and involvement in drug trafficking, illegal land deals, illegal cattle futures dealings, as well as many, many more crimes.
Why is Hillary being placed on a high pedestal instead of being made to answer why she ordered her staff members to enter Vince Foster’s office and clean it out right after his supposed suicide, which was an improper and possibly illegal act as it was a direct interference with the investigation of Mr. Foster’s death, and a possible destruction of evidence?
Why was Hillary allowed to skate on the Rose Law Firm files, that she claimed to have no knowledge about, and then they mysteriously show up on a table outside her White House office, with her fingerprints all over them? And she maintains to this day that she has no knowledge of how they got there.
Why is it that she was never made to explain how she turned a $1,000.00 investment in the cattle futures market into a $100,000.00 windfall in a few short days?
There was a man on Fox News channel, last week who made the statement on one of Fox’s morning shows that the reason why the Clintons were never prosecuted for all of their crimes was because the Clinton White House controlled the Justice Department. And this what we allow to run for office? GIVE ME A BREAK!
If Hillary Clinton wins the election she will be bringing so much dirt and baggage with her, and I don’t mean just her husband either.